7 Non-Toxic Houseplants for Homes with Pets

7 Non-Toxic Houseplants for Homes with Pets

Improving your home’s interior with greenery is an easy way to update the living spaces. For pet owners, it comes with the responsibility of verifying the houseplants are safe for your cat or dog. There is a selection of pet-friendly, non-toxic houseplants to...
The Dangers of Carbon Monoxide in the Home

The Dangers of Carbon Monoxide in the Home

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a toxic gas from various sources, including furnaces, heaters, and vehicles. CO poisoning is a severe and sometimes fatal health concern that may go unnoticed until it’s too late. Although it’s challenging to detect, you can protect...
5 Tips for Allergy-Proofing Your Home

5 Tips for Allergy-Proofing Your Home

From sneezing fits to itchy eyes, allergens in the air can make your living spaces miserable. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce allergens in your house and provide relief. In this article, we’ll discuss a few simple steps for allergy-proofing your home to...
Essential Tips for Smoke Detector Placement in the Home

Essential Tips for Smoke Detector Placement in the Home

When it comes to fire safety, smoke detectors are your first line of defense. Proper placement of these life-saving devices is essential for early detection of smoke, giving you and your loved ones valuable time to escape a fire. Here are a few essential tips for...
5 Tips to Boost Wellness in the Home

5 Tips to Boost Wellness in the Home

We spend a lot of time in our homes. As such, it’s important to make sure that your house promotes comfort and health. Here are a few tips to help you boost wellness in the home and create a space that encourages mental clarity and physical well-being. 1. Boost...
6 Ways to Prevent a House Fire this Winter

6 Ways to Prevent a House Fire this Winter

The risk of house fires rises in the winter. Fireplaces, holiday cooking, candles, and the increased usage of space heaters contribute to hazards that may lead to a fire. Keep your family and home safe this season by taking precautions. Here are a few helpful tips to...